Calgary Flames Fans React to the Blackhawks Getting Swept
By Ramina Shlah
The Calgary Flames may have gotten swept, but that doesn’t mean they don’t also enjoy other teams being swept. Let’s look at how fans reacted to the Chicago Blackhawks also dealing with a first round sweep.
Don’t worry Chicago Blackhawks fans – I’m right there with you. I feel your pain and misery. The Calgary Flames suffered a first-round sweep. The worst possible thing to happen in the playoffs. I mean, a Stanley Cup Final sweep would be pretty rough too. But you get it.
But Flames fans felt a bit of joy just 24 hours later. Because the best Western Conference team, the Chicago Blackhawks, suffered a first round sweep of their very own. I mean… at least the Flames got more than three goals the entire series…. At least Sean Monahan alone had more than three goals the entire series…
Jokes! Like I said, I feel your pain too guys.
And even though Flames fans were upset about their own sweep, it doesn’t mean we can’t laugh at the Blackhawks, right? RIGHT?
Twitter Reacts
You all knew this was coming. Let’s look at how Twitter, specifically Calgary Flames Twitter, felt about this Blackhawks sweep. First, let’s look at our Twitter account (again, I’m sorry Blackhawks fans. I feel you).
Alright, alright. I’m done.
But not quite.
Now let’s look at how Twitter in general reacted to this sweep:
Also, let’s look at how funny this is:
Next: Johnny Gaudreau has a busy off-season
Alright, alright, I’m done now. I promise Blackhawks fans, this is all in good fun.
Remember, I know the pain you’re going through. I’ve been there. I’m a Flames fan, after all.