This week, there were lots of conversations surrounding a new arena for the Calgary Flames and Brian Burke and Ken King basically butting heads. Let’s have a discussion about this.
Hello and welcome all to another edition of Calgary Flames Monday Roundtable! The segment we here at Flame for Thought bring you every Monday. Basically, I ask the other writers here about different topics every week and we have a virtual roundtable discussion about it. Last week, we talked about the expansion draft. Today, let’s talk about a new arena.
As many Flames fans know, there have been lots of controversy with getting a new arena. Right now after the end of an era with the Joe Louis arena in Detroit, the Saddledome is now the oldest arena in the NHL. Of course, everyone wants a new arena, nobody more than the Flames owners. However, they can’t come to an agreement with Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi.
Basically to keep things short, the owners want most of the money towards a new arena used from public money. Whereas Nenshi won’t let that happen right now and now is sparking outrage with the Flames owners.
Related Story: No new arena means no more Calgary Flames?
Last week, Flames President of Hockey Operations, Brian Burke, and Calgary Sports and Entertainment Corporation President and CEO, Ken King, basically but heads when it came to a new arena. Brian Burke had a business luncheon at the Canadian Club of Calgary on Wednesday last week. He was quite.. blunt.. if you will, during the luncheon.
Via Calgary Herald:
"“We’re not going to make the threat to leave. We’ll just leave. We still have a building that was built in 1983, the oldest in the league by more than 10 years. “They figured it out in Edmonton, where they know that a new building can rejuvenate the downtown. But I guess we’re just smarter than that here.”"
Oh, but it didn’t stop there. Of course not.
Via Calgary Herald:
"“You don’t think we could find a place to go? With a straight face you’re saying that. Let’s see. Quebec. Oh yeah, they have a brand-new building that meets NHL standards,” Burke replied to Flames fan Chris McCrae. Burke then ended the exchange by adding, “I think most intelligent people get this.”"
BRIAN BURKE: Most intelligent people get this argument. GUY IN AUDIENCE: Most intelligent people know how to tie a tie.
— Chris Epp (@Chris_Epp_) June 7, 2017
After that, Ken King had a response to Burke’s comments made.
"“Brian Burke runs Hockey Operations for the Calgary Flames and he and many Calgarians have strong views about this topic. However, he is not our spokesperson regarding a new events centre for our city. We remain committed to our dialogue with the City and very optimistic we will get to a positive conclusion. We admire everyone’s enthusiasm on this subject.”"
I think it’s funny how we’ve done somewhat of a 180 with Ken King. He was the one who initially said, “we wouldn’t threaten to leave, we would just leave,” and how he’s saying how the team has a commitment with the city? Anyways, let’s move on to the questions I asked the other writers here at Flame for Thought.