Troy Brouwer: Can people stop saying “Brouwer Play”? It’s lame. Also, can people stop being mean to me? I’m doing my best… sort of.
Mike Smith: Hey Santa, maybe you can not let me take anymore pictures with Johnny since it looks like a father/son picture every time we take one. Also, more shutouts. Thanks.
Matt Bartkowski: Can people stop calling me Matt Fartkowski? It’s getting old.
Brett Kulak: This season has been great getting basically a full-time role with the Calgary Flames. The only thing I ask for Santa is that next time someone gets injured, maybe I can play with Rasmus Andersson and not Fartkowski? (Don’t tell him I called him that).
Michael Frolik: Maybe next time the guys all clearly plan some sort of trip to the barber, they can invite me too. Have you seen my hair? It’s a mess.
Jaromir Jagr: Ok Santa, I know I’m old, but I’m only 34 games away from beating the record for most amount of games played. Please let me be healthy the rest of the season so I can break that record. And please stop letting the Calgary Flames go to overtime. I’m too old for 3on3.
Mark Jankowski: This year has been a great year, thanks Santa! Playing with Benny and Hath and even Jags has been a dream come true! The only thing I ask is that this stays and hopefully I sign with the Flames and I don’t get sent down again.