Anybody can fall victim to a Twitter hack/Twitter virus. And in this case, it happened to Calgary Flames forward Sam Bennett.
So last night was entertaining. Calgary Flames youngster Sam Bennett had this weird Twitter virus thing that tweeted out to all of his Twitter followers for some deals on sunglasses. Example:
@JP_10United @LoraleeMoorey @XcessiveSports $19.99 fashion Sunglasses,75% off!
— Sam Bennett (@SBennett93) December 29, 2016
Like I said, this went out to most of his followers before he noticed what had happened. All 26.2K followers. I mean, I’m still bitter that I never personally received a tweet for some great deals on fashion sunglasses, but it’s whatever.
Let’s go through the stages of emotions that everybody felt.
First, there was confusion. Like, is Sam Bennett okay? But then, people came terms with what happened. And Sam also realized what had happened.
This is where everybody realized and accepted that Sam Bennett is, in fact, okay. And when he realized what had happened, he tried to fix it.
Well I'll be up all night trying to delete these tweets, sorry for the notifications.. I honestly don't like sunglasses that much #hacked
— Sam Bennett (@SBennett93) December 29, 2016
Sure Sam. I bet you love Sunglasses.
And then other people realized what was happening too and poked fun.
Yeah, 12:11 I hear a notification I look at my phone and it's Calgary's Sam Bennett slangin sunglasses on his down time. Gotta respect it
— heatdaddy (@heatdaddy69420) December 29, 2016
Uh-oh... I was just bragging to all my friends that me and Benny were boys... I got some explaining to do now😉
— Jermain Franklin (@TSNJFranklin) December 29, 2016
Need a pair. Thanks Sam.
— Ryan Leslie (@ryanlesliemedia) December 29, 2016
And then people were upset. Because, is he now saying he can’t get us some deals on some fashion Sunglasses?
so youre telling me you cant get me a great deal on ray bans
— Marsh (@Cmarsh21) December 29, 2016
Then we have frustration. Because Bennett realized there was no way to mass delete a bunch of tweets and he called for some help.
Common @Support you gotta help me out here
— Sam Bennett (@SBennett93) December 29, 2016
And people jumped on the train to help him. Including us!
@SBennett93 use or
— Flame For Thought (@Flame_4_Thought) December 29, 2016
Next, we have some speculation. Because Sam Bennett just HAD to have this happen to him the night before the Calgary Flames play the Anaheim Ducks? No way. No coincidences are that weird. The Ducks HAVE to be behind this somehow.
i bet ryan kesler has something to do w this. whenever something goes wrong it's always keslers fault
— Flame For Thought (@Flame_4_Thought) December 29, 2016
bieksa had something to do with this, he's salty ferdaddy pummelled him
— Darcy Hume (@realdarcyhume) December 29, 2016
The Fact the Sam said he’d stay up all night to delete those tweets? How could they not be responsible?
And then finally, because it’s the internet, this happened:
— Twitch Dot TVs MurtBunch (@JSBMjeanshorts) December 29, 2016
And Johnny Gaudreau even recognized what happened and poked fun this morning:
Next: Flames Daily: Game Day, Brouwer Injured
Well, that’s all for now. Let’s hope Sam Bennett gets a hat trick tonight and everyone throws down some sunglasses instead of hats. Watch out Gordie Howe, there’s a new hat trick in town: The Sam Bennett Hat Trick.