Flames’ Disappointing Awards From THN

So as I’m writing this, the Flames are taking on the Avalanche and Hagman has been put on re-entry waivers by the Flames less than 30 hours after sending him to Abbotsford.  Pretty sure he didn’t even finish packing up his gear before the Flames changed their minds.

But I exorcised all my Hagman frustration yesterday.  No more going down that anger path for a while.  Tonight I’ll focus on something happier. (post article edit: clearly that does happen, as you will see)  It was suggested I talk about Ollie Jokinen’s pumpkin carving skills, but well that’s not going to happen.  I wanted to do something happy, not something that would give me a stroke.

Flipping through the latest issue of The Hockey News in which they rank “the best of everything in hockey”, it is disheartening to see what the Flames are listed as “the best” in.

Calgary first victory is in the category of “Best Mascot”. /facepalm What an award, team.  Okay so the Flames are the first team to have a mascot with Harvey the Hound debuting back in 1984 and he did do a pretty good job at annoying Craig MacTavish but in where in there is anything actually benifitial to the team?

As fun as Harvey is, he’s not winning the Flames any games.  His psych up skills are not stopping any pucks, he can’t dangle and deke, throwing his weight around the ice isn’t happening either.  In essence, he’s as effective as the Flames PP.  What a fluffy award to win.  Thanks THN!

What annoys me even more is their next “award” for the Flames, “Best Celebration Zone”.  I’m a proud member of the C of Red but not everyone is deserving of this.  Now I’m not claiming that the Flames have terrible fans, no I think they are some of the greatest people out there, I’m luck to call so many my friends, but they picked up quite the bandwagon a few years ago.  How bad was the bandwagoning?

Back in June of 2004, when the Flames were gunning for the Cup against the Tampa Bay Lightning, “The manufacturer of NHL-licensed hockey jerseys in Canada has stopped productionon all other jerseys but the Flames to keep up with demand” according to the LA Times.  That’s a lot of sweaters being bought up if the manufacturer couldn’t produce any other jerseys.  While I’m not saying all of those jerseys being purchased were by bandwagoner, I have a hard time believing that those part of the C of Red prior to this run were all lacking in jerseys and needed one right away.  The Hockey News‘s isn’t focusing on those who have been there through it all, but rather the impressive speed at which the Flames were able to gain fans.  Maybe it’s just me, but that’s not really something to be proud of.

Oh and when the Flames  go on another run?  I will be sweaterless.  I don’t have one, not because I don’t want one, I just haven’t found a player I love enough to spend that kind of money on.  Which also means I won’t be running out making manufacturers’ panic to keep up.

These two “honors” make me want to shake my head, but hey, what are we going to do?  The Hockey News isn’t the end all be all to the Flames legacy, that’s up to the guys out on the ice.  I’m all for sticking by our Flames through thick and thin, no matter what, even as I watch them nearly blow a 3 goal lead.

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Go Flames Go!